Agenda | MMA Global


Morning Session

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM

Welcome Speech

Country Director Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia & Board Member Vietnam
MMA Global - APAC
General Manager
Abbott Vietnam

9:10 AM – 9:30 AM

Activating Brand Purpose in Action with Contextual Relevance during Covid19

Consumer mindset has been reshaped because of the pandemic, altering the way our consumers think, do and behave. How can brands stay relevant and trusted during this period of time? How can innovative technologies, and the use of contextual data enable better and impactful engagement with our consumers? What role can data play and what way should we play data in this age of contactless culture?

Vice President Marketing – Beauty and Personal Care | Co-chair of MMA Vietnam

9:30 AM – 9:50 AM

GROW MORE with LESS: Getting the Media Right!

The COVID-19 crisis has brought about years of change in the way companies in all sectors and regions do business.

While the path to recovery is unclear, marketers have to work under the increasing pressure of restrained budget and resources.

Business as usual wouldn’t work! Experimentation with and investment in digital-led strategy play a key role in helping companies navigating successfully through the prolonged crisis situation.

Kantar and Facebook proudly present this strategic work of 5 year accumulated learnings in SEA for the first time ever in Vietnam.

Head of Creative and Media
Kantar Insights Singapore

9:50 AM – 10:00 AM

Break time

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Panel: Marketing Effectiveness Grow More with Less: Better, Cheaper, Faster

Businesses were always driven by value they deliver to their customers and in-turn marketers seek answers to the value they gain from the Marketing investment. During the pandemic and the prolonging covid situation in the region, consumers have moved rapidly adopted to e-comm, and companies and industries have responded in turn.
The esteemed panel represented by country’s leading advertiser and global tech giants are brought together in this panel to discuss and unlock the answer to the most real challenge of – Marketing Effectiveness and measuring impact beyond media metrics attributed to brand growth.

Head of Agency, Global Business Group
Vice President Marketing/Co-Chair MMA Vietnam
Homecare, Unilever
Head of Insights
Managing Partner

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Marketing Growth Frameworks Rethink

MMA Global

10:50 AM – 11:10 AM

Approaching Social Commerce in Vietnam

Social Commerce has been a mystifying topic for us all. With multiple stakeholders involved, understanding and capitalizing on the solution’s potential demands clear responsibilities complemented by next level collaboration. This brief session will hopefully clear out some of the grey areas and provide top-line direction on how advertisers can leverage this solution.   
The session covers:
Defining social commerce & providing market context
Roles of stakeholders in social commerce
Clear KPIs for each stakeholder
Case study & best practice
What the future holds?"

Deputy Managing Director
Publicis Media

11:10 AM – 11:30 AM

A new Era of Advertising

Advertising industry need a revamp, rethink & drive results through Reach & Relevance

Head of Key Account Partnerships, Vietnam

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Latest Highlights for eCommerce in Vietnam

Due to the pandemic, the new consumer behaviors have been spreading in all areas of life, from how they work to how they shop, and to how they entertain themselves. These rapid shifts have important implications for retailers and enterprises. During this session, our speaker will provide handy updates on changes regarding e-commerce behaviour since the pandemic. What are the predictions for enterprises's movements in e-commerce?

Vice Chairman

11:45 AM

Closing Morning session

Country Director Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia & Board Member Vietnam
MMA Global - APAC

Afternoon Session

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM

Welcome Speech

Country Director Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia & Board Member Vietnam
MMA Global - APAC
General Manager
Abbott Vietnam

2:10 PM – 2:30 PM

Keynote: Privacy-First Future: Cookieless Advertising

With the pandemic, the world has changed, and as more people go online, protecting their privacy and data will continue to be critical. Hear how Google is approaching the privacy-first future by: building privacy by design in all of our products; putting users in control of their data and experience through easy to use controls; delivering some of the most advanced security across the industry today to keep users safe, to keep our platforms safe and to improve the safety of the broader web.

Country Director Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Panel: Driving Success Through Data

“Pivot to the new normal” we heard from Industry leaders talks about Omni Channels, Growing More with Less, Effectiveness, Purpose led Marketing, Social Commerce and also about Data. You will also hear about Cookie less world, trends and Blockchain. All these are underpinned by a “Data”, and it plays an important role and part be it data as in data in form of 1st party data, marketing effectiveness also needs data, social commerce also needs data. Let’s understand the importance of data to industry, how is it being refined & used.

Chief Executive Officer
FE Credit
Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Head of Media and Digital
Abbott Vietnam

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM

Leveraging innovative technologies in eCommerce to build back better

Consumer mindset has been reshaped because of the pandemic and foot traffic to retail stores may take some time to resume to pre-COVID-19 levels. More brands, sellers and retailers and even shopping malls are migrating online. How can innovative technologies and logistics in eCommerce help businesses grow, scale and succeed online? What role can eCommerce play in helping economies digitalise and build back better from the pandemic?

Chief Executive Officer
Lazada Thailand & Vietnam

3:20 PM – 3:30 PM

Break time

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM

What are key marketing framework thoughts to approach during pandemic times and short-time post each wave for local businesses in non-essential categories?

Reframe the category for building relevance, add newness to the context, drive quick product innovation, adopt partnership, run relevant promotions,... are few key notes.

Marketing Advisor - Biti’s
Co-founder – C+P Consulting Asia

3:50 PM – 4:20 PM

Panel: CMO Talk - Omni - Channel and How?

With technologies, evolving and emerging, transforming commerce, it’s essential that retailers understand the impact of online and offline customer experiences.
This panel discussion brings together CMOs from Marico, Mondelez and Castrol as they provide far-reaching insights and deep discernments on market-ahead innovations, technologies, and trends, and prepare your business for success.

Marketing Director
Marketing Director
Mondelēz Kinh Do Vietnam
Marketing Director
Castrol Vietnam
APAC Product & Strategy

4:20 PM – 4:40 PM

Rearchitecting MarTech with Blockchain

There is a line in the sand for the marketing industry. January 2022. All the third-party cookies and identifiers will be removed from all digital engagement systems. The Big Tech companies are building their own proprietary mechanism to balance privacy over personalisation. Agency networks are launching identity management solutions. Publishers are launching consortiums. Industry pundits call it a rearchitecture.

Co-founder and CEO

4:40 PM

Closing Afternoon Session

CEO, MMA Global APAC | Global Head of SMARTIES WW and BOD Asia Pacific
MMA Global Asia Pacific
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