Trends Reports | Page 6 | MMA Global

Trends Reports

A major mobile app gaming company with hundreds of titles in the top charts became concerned after seeing abnormal performance in some of their campaigns. High click-throughrates and low user quality raised concerns about possible ad fraud that their own tools weren’t correctly detecting. They hoped to mitigate fraudulent tra!c to get cleaner data, which would allow them to strengthen their campaigns and improve return on ad spend (ROAS).
April, 2020
A worldwide telecommunications and financial wire service company was concerned about performance anomalies in their mobile app acquisition campaigns. Certain key performance indicators (KPIs) seemed over inflated, and post-install engagement with important conversion events was less than desirable. For the marketing team, understanding their true return on ad spend (ROAS) was elusive and they were deeply concerned about ad fraud.
April, 2020

MMA India with GroupM, a media investment group, has released the much anticipated Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report (MMER) 2020.

February, 2020
Education Section: 

The Mobile Marketing Association and Decision Lab Ad Fraud report is the most essential guide for every marketer, agency, tech-provider and publisher to understand the mobile marketing ecosystem. The report marks the coming together of one of the biggest global trade associations and market research companies and this endeavour benefits all stakeholders in the business.


November, 2019
Data sharing is at the heart of Multi-Touch Attribution, and a necessary factor in its successful deployment.
May, 2019