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Mobile security is no longer a “nice to have” but rather an imperative to safeguarding all of our customers’ personally identifiable data, and protecting our hard earned brand reputations from the damage and chaos cyber criminality can unleash, while learning from each other as we work together to close vulnerability gaps.
Education Section: 
2014 MMA Mobile Couponing Strategic Framework
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Education Section: 

A Marketers Guide to Messaging: Trends and Best Practices

This white paper is designed to provide marketers with an overview of the best practices and trends when marketing to consumers on mobile devices, via text messaging aka SMS (short message service), MMS (multimedia messaging service), push notifications, or any other mobile messaging media.

March, 2014
Education Section: 

The MMA APAC is proud to present the 2013 Asia-Pacific Yearbook. A resource unlike any other, the Yearbook delivers case studies, insight from industry leaders and country data, which combine to provide the most comprehensive overview of the mobile marketing industry in the Asia-Pacific region for 2013.

Education Section: 
Mobile: The Relationship Channel
The global ad market is on a path of steady recovery, with growth of 3.5% forecast for 2013, followed by 5.1% in 2014 and 5.8% in 2015, according to the latest ZenithOptimedia forecasts. This growth is being driven by digital innovations, with mobile, by some distance, the fastest-growing segment of internet advertising. As the consumer attention shifts to the screens held in the hand, logic therefore dictates that advertisers also spend their efforts where their consumers are—the mobile channel.
April, 2014
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Mobile: The Great Connector
Mobile: The Great Connector
Bridging The Physical & Digital Worlds To Boost Your Marketing Effectiveness
November, 2013
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