Citroën C4 Picasso (Mobext) | MMA Global

Citroën C4 Picasso (Mobext)

June 14, 2009
Submitted by Mobext

Background and Strategy:
For the launch of C4 Picasso, Citroën would like a different mobile web presence in its media plan. Mobext built the campaign based on two insights: different experience for iPhone and Smartphone users and permission of other handset users to interact with the campaign in the same placement.

At the launch day, I Phone and Smartphone audience experienced a new banner format. They were invited to watch a video campaign, while other handsets users could visit the C4 Picasso mobile site. In fact, when clicking the banner, the video started automatically, without downloading it. In the following days, all audience were redirected to the mobile site where they could read about C4 Picasso specifications, download images and videos, locate dealers and request test-drive.

C4 Picasso mobile site had 1.042 unique visitors only in three days. The level of interaction inside the mobile site presented 30% of users interaction in downloads section, followed by specification views (16%), test-drive request (7%) and dealer locator (5%). I Phone users had the highest level of interaction reaching 35% followed by N95 users with 18%.