Scott Cunningham | MMA Global

Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham
Cunningham.Tech Consulting

Scott Cunningham is author of Defining Brand Safety Series by the Brand Safety Institute, Founder of the IAB Tech Lab, principal technology and program Founder of the Trustworthy Accountability Group, former Head of Product for Federated Media, former President of Media News Group Interactive, and was a pioneer in the development of and many other digital publishing and ad technology platforms and products. Most recently, Cunningham authored the NewsNext research report for the Local Media Consortium and architected the NewsPassID solution for the news industry seeking financial sustainability of journalism. His work involves steering the global digital marketing, advertising, and media publishing industries toward economic growth through technology, best user experience practices, emerging areas of CTV, measurement, and strategic first party data experiences. Cunningham.Tech Consultancy clients include digital publishers, agencies, marketers, technology companies, and trade organizations.