Meyvi Wedelia | MMA Global

Meyvi Wedelia

Meyvi Wedelia
Creative Director

Meyvi is born and raised in Indonesia, but she cut her teeth on advertising in Singapore. A strategic Creative Director with 13+ years of experience on helping brands across a diverse range of industries including Google, YouTube, Unilever and J&J to grow their business, be a part of the culture and deliver brand purposes. 
To date, her span of work has contributed in helping women find their voice to break stigmas and stereotypes; teen girls to find the courage to face themselves in the mirror positively and guided one of the countries with most fake news to debunk vaccine misinformations.
Meyvi is also one of the 10 finalists selected across Asia in the inaugural See It Be It programme at Spikes Asia - a Cannes Lions program to supercharge the next generation of female creative leaders.