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MMA POSSIBLE 2024 Presentations


BRANDNOMIC$: The Solution to CMO/CFO Misalignment on the ROI of Brand

NEW insights from MMA’s Brand as Performance 4-year research series have proven the real long-term economic value of brand marketing, providing a formula for quantifying its impact on financial performance for CMOs and CFOs. That answer now appears to be over 5x revenue versus what we knew previously and indicates that Brand dramatically impacts both the top line and bottom of the funnel. Sourced from MMA's Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT)

Organizing for New Growth – How do You Prepare the Organization to Leverage the Potential of GenAI

Based on 20 years of academic research into marketing organization adoption of new and recent surveys with 500+ senior marketers, this session shared frameworks on how to reorient your organization to leverage GenAI for enhanced growth and innovation fully. Explore how to build a roadmap to success. Sourced from MMA's Marketing Organization Structure Think Thank (MOSTT)

AI-Powered Breakthroughs: Real-World Experiments & Insights on Leveraging AI for Personalization

MMA's Consortium for AI Personalization (CAP) research has resulted in real-world trials and unprecedented results in AI-driven personalization for digital marketing. This experiment with Progressive demonstrated an unbelievable +197% increase versus current approaches and tested GenAI developed audio advertising. (Note: eight more CAP studies are coming.) The future is here today. Sourced from MMA's AI Leadership Coalition (ALC).