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MMA Singapore Ad Spend Report

Singapore is one of the most digitally advanced markets in the world. Consumer adoption of mobile devices has fascinated the industry. There is no doubt that Singaporean consumers love their gadgets.

This can even been seen in the smartphone penetration in the market.  Recent research shows that smartphone penetration alone in the market was at 90 per cent for a population of 5.31 million.  The penetration of mobile devices, pegged at 7.8 million, is stated to be at 150 per cent.

Education Section: 
DAA Mobile Guidance

This guidance explains for covered companies how the existing Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (“OBA Principles”) and Multi- Site Data (“MSD Principles”) (collectively, the “Self-Regulatory Principles”) apply to certain types of data in the mobile Web site and application environment. This guidance responds to the fact that both First Parties and Third Parties operate across a variety of channels including mobile.

Education Section: 
Mobile Barometer

The Mobile Marketing Association has partnered with comScore to provide a series of valuable mobile insight reports for 2013. The Mobile Barometer contains audience measures for a range of mobile activity with trends in device ownership and platform share broken down by age and gender. This quarterly report is free to download and covers the five biggest mobile markets in Europe respectively - UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy.

Education Section: 
The Essential Considerations for Mobile Email

Mobile devices are revolutionizing the way people experience email today. The use of mobile email continues to grow as more consumers seek to stay informed through their smartphone, tablet, or other connected devices. With 88% of people checking their email via mobile devices daily, it’s imperative that marketers develop a strategy to produce emails that are optimized for mobile. In fact, more Android devices are registered every day (1.3MM) than there are weddings, babies born, and deaths COMBINED each day globally... x2!

July, 2013
Education Section: 

Epom: 4shared success story


Transfer 4shared to the new advertising cross- platform in order to increase a revenue in all fields, for all countries and sources of revenue.


Epom offered an effective and easy migration plan, organised trainings and did a part of migration job to speed up the process. At first, 4shared tried Epom on a small amount of traffic to check the results, then it switched to a full-speed for all the mediums.  

