Sandru Emil | MMA Global

Sandru Emil

Sandru Emil
Co-founder / Creative Business Director

18 years in the industry and Sandru still loves it just like the first year. 

When the industry felt heartless, he decided to start his agency - Ambilhati, in 2017. Translated as "Heart stealing", a constant reminder of what the advertising is all about: touching the heart of the consumers. 

Ambilhati has won numerous awards, such as Digital Agency of the year in Citra Pariwara and Agency of the Year in MMA Smarties, on top of more than 70+ awards and 130+ finalists. It includes the New York Festival, Effectiveness awards in AME Awards, Effectiveness in Warc in association with Cannes, Spikes Asia, Adstar, Festival of Media Global, YouTube Works and many more. 

Together with FAB, he started “Y”- The Young Creative Entrepreneur, a platform that supports young creative talent to become a leader and creativepreneur, and later on turn Ambilhati into network of its own: The 1 Hati Creative Network, that consist of several agencies with their own uniqueness and expertise.