Affiliate Membership | MMA Global

Affiliate Membership

 Become a Trusted
MMA Affiliate Member
Join the Global Organization Supported by Major Carriers, Content Providers & Aggregators

The MMA is currently not accepting any enrollements in this program at this time. If you have any addtional questions, please send an email to [email protected].

The MMA’s Primary Focus

By partnering with affiliate marketers the MMA strives to ensure a positive mobile experience for consumers. The MMA focuses on consumer protection because long term industry growth without consumer satisfaction is not sustainable.


The Benefits of Becoming an MMA Affiliate Member

Integrity: By joining the MMA you agree to follow the accepted standards and best practices set forth by the stakeholders in the mobile ecosystem. In doing so, you will be joining the ranks of major US carriers, content providers, aggregators, brands, technology enablers and fellow marketing agencies in our goal to provide the best consumer experience and grow our industry.


Education: The Mobile marketplace can be a tricky one to navigate. Rule changes, advancing technologies and new players entering the space make for a constantly shifting environment. As an Affiliate Member you will have exclusive access to educational webinars and notifications designed to keep you updated on the changes that affect what you do best.


Representation: One of the main functions of the MMA is to work with the members of the mobile ecosystem to create best practices and guidelines regarding marketing to consumers. In becoming an Affiliate Member, you will have an opportunity to engage in this process. At times, you may be called upon by our committee members to provide feedback and insight on issues that may affect the way you do business – ultimately leading to industry wide shifts in policy.

Do You Qualify?

Eligibility for Affiliate Membership:

  1. You are currently advertising premium mobile goods* or services** through an affiliate network
  2. You are currently receiving payments directly from a content provider or affiliate network in exchange for advertising premium mobile goods or services
  3. You are considering entering into an affiliate network to advertise premium mobile goods or services
  4. You are considering working directly with a content provider or affiliate network to advertise premium mobile goods or services on their behalf
  5. You agree to abide by the MMA’s Consumer Best Practices guidelines and Global Code of Conduct when advertising premium mobile goods or services on behalf of the affiliate network and/or content provider
  6. You agree to use the MMA Affiliate Member seal on your jump pages

*  Premium Mobile Goods are defined as pieces of content or merchandise sold through the subscriber’s phone bill (eg; ringtones, wall papers, mobile games)

**  Premium Mobile Services are defined as programs or offerings that a company provides to the subscriber in exchange for charging the subscriber’s mobile phone bill (eg. ringtone subscription, chat program, dating service, joke service)

Membership Fee:

Affiliate Membership Fee:  USD $999


The Foundation

 Consumer Best Practices Guidelines

The MMA’s Consumer Best Practices document was developed as industry self regulatory guidelines to ensure that consumers have a positive experience and that the ecosystem is poised for long term growth.

Download your copy


 Global Code of Conduct


The Code is designed to provide guidelines to the companies within the mobile ecosystem, including but not limited to: advertisers, aggregators, application providers, carriers, content providers, affiliate marketers, and publishers (collectively, "Mobile Marketers").

Download your copy


 Mobile Advertising Guidelines

These Guidelines provide global formats, guidelines and best practices necessary to implement mobile advertising initiatives in a variety of mobile media channels, including Web, messaging, applications and video.

Download your copy