Consumer Engagement | Page 7 | MMA Global

Consumer Engagement

We are delighted to share with you our much insightful information regarding the potential of mobile marketing to approach rural consumers via the Vietnam Rural Report by Cốc Cốc.

MMA, in collaboration with Cốc Cốc, has established a detailed report which aims to provide marketers with valuable figures of the potential of mobile marketing in Vietnam’s rural area in 2020, especially when the rise of digitalization has great contributions to various campaigns’ success.

January, 2021
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Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT

Want to see how leading brands and agencies cut through the clutter to build powerful, interactive brand experiences that drive record engagement? Join InMarket for an upcoming webinar where they share their H1 2020 Breakthrough Moments winners and reveal how brands like STIHL and their agency PowerChord surpassed industry benchmarks—with 18%+ CTR—leveraging InMarket’s real-time, interactive Moments brand experiences.

Breakthrough Moments Topics Covered:

SVP of Marketing and Strategy
Senior Account Manager-Lead
Creative Director
Webinar Sponsor:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT

Marketers may be familiar with at least one leading marketing growth model but may not be aware of all - let alone have had the opportunity to hear each position from the authoring thought leaders live.

Through The Great Marketing Growth Debate, you can learn the details of each framework and engage with the respective thought leader - so you can make educated decisions on the optimal approach to drive growth for your business

Author of Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Presented by:
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Friday, July 3, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm SGT

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

- Mahatma Gandhi


Chief Executive Officer
Edelman Singapore
Regional Business Director
Abbott Rapid Diagnostics
Founder & CEO
Think Design
Presented by:
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Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm IST

83% of brands are still not able to make connections across consumer touchpoints and devices –without these connections, personalization remains a thing of the future. This won't get any easier with the cookie going away. Join Swiggy and Zeotap in a fireside chat about the future of identity resolution and customer intelligence and get some food for thought on the future of MarTech in India.


Founder & CPO
Director - Marketing
Country Head & BOD Member
MMA Global India
Webinar Sponsor:
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Out of Home & Mobile Compendium

Urbanity and mobility are increasing and changing media usage to a large degree. The greatest beneficiaries of this development are Out of Home (OOH) and Mobile, which, according to the OMG Preview Monitor, are the sectors with the biggest opportunities for growth in 2019. This creates new communication challenges and opportunities for companies and brands.

October, 2019
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An MMA Mobile Gaming Committee White Paper

Most marketers don’t know it, but virtually everyone with a smartphone is playing mobile games. In the U.S. alone this year, some 192 million people will play, and for many of them – young, old, male, female – mobile gaming is a daily habit that outstrips most other smartphone activity in terms of time spent.

October, 2017
Education Section: 

With each technological advancement in the last few years, we’ve become more connected with one another and the world around us – and the physical world is starting to communicate back with us. At the dawn of this new era defined by the Internet of Things (IoT), we find ourselves connecting with the physical objects that surround us in our everyday lives, from our clothing to our beverages to our cars.

May, 2017
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Education Section: 

The mission of the MMA Mobile Native Advertising Committee is to promote the definition of mobile native ads, educate marketers and publishers about native advertising benefits and best practices, and grow the global market for this emerging and increasingly effective digital display format.

April, 2015
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